sr-users November 2004
  • 203 participants
  • 386 discussions

[Serusers] SIP to PABX
by E. Versaevel
20 years

[Serusers] asterisk cost of the harware
by Walter Willis
20 years

[Serusers] ser+messenger+msilo
by Walter Willis
20 years

[Serusers] Why SER query MySQL x times for the same thing?
by Rodrigo P. Telles
20 years

[Serusers] Is ser support SNMP
by C Y
20 years

[Serusers] ser stable to unstable ?
by Schweizer Laurent
20 years

[Serusers] How to make ser running behind NAT
by Zhihua Xing
20 years

[Serusers] IETF meeting
by Jiri Kuthan
20 years

[Serusers] help for VOIP project
by Sarfaraz Chougule
20 years

[Serusers] redirect replay
by Schweizer Laurent
20 years
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