I try to use jabber module,
but the jabber server send me this string:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><stream:stream
xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams" xmlns="jabber:client"
from="panoramix.create-net.it" id="2abf6ae" xml:lang="en">
The jabber module want a string as the follow:
<?xml version='1.0'?>..........
Any idea?
Matteo Piazza, Junior Researcher
Via Solteri, 38 - 38100 Trento - Italy
email: matteo.piazza(a)create-net.it
Tel: +39-0461-408400ext:308
Im very new to SER. My colleague who just left the
company already set up the system. We can now call
sip-to-sip and sip-to-pstn. However, our problem is
that we dont have accounting record for the pstn
calls. For sip-to-sip, accounting is OK.
>From the radius log of the pstn calls, I can see only
STOP request but no START request.
My question:
What triggers the SER to send START accounting request
to the RADIUS?
All traffic to pstn goes to a gateway operated by a
third party service provider. We are using freeradius.
Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
Do you know any test tool that I could use to generate 30 simultaneous SIP calls from one PC?
Thanks in advance,
Marcos Rodríguez
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uac module configuration is by default without
modparam, and the problem is when
the callee respond the call, the caller hear ring
sound and callee voice, both
of then, and UAC ( caller) don't do final ACK if
reveive OK from UAS, because
OK trace from UAS may be not correct.
We only use uac_replace_from("","usuario(a)domain.com")
BYE method in route section.We have use openser
release 1.0.0
Have you a solution or is it a bug ?
Thank in advance
Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click.
Kyriakos wrote:
> So Klaus, basically what i need is an extra handler for ACK?
> route[6] {
> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # ACK Handler
> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> if (method=="ACK") {
> t_relay();
> return;
> };
That should work
> Does this affect the call flow? I mean Ive read that responses to ACK
> requests are not that important.
per standard: there is NEVER a response to an ACK
> Im a newbie in SER and sip so please bare with me.
> :-)
please always cc: to the list.
> By the way thanks for the reply.
> Kyriakos