Hello Jason,
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 7:24:14 PM, you wrote:
>> alpha5 ~ $ grep include_path /usr/local/etc/php.ini
>> include_path = ".:/php/includes:/usr/local/share/pear/"
>> Same Error
JB> Is it safe to assume that you restarted Apache after making the edit to
JB> php.ini? You can create a test.php file in Apache's docroot with just
JB> "<? phpinfo(); ?>" (no quotes) in it. Hit test.php with a browser and
JB> you should see the desired include_path value reflected under "PHP Core".
There is a decision of problem: http://lists.iptel.org/pipermail/serusers/2005-March/016106.html
PHP5 not support's aggregate_methods.
Best regards,
Dmitry mailto:freebsd@vdv-s.ru
Hello Jason,
Saturday, March 12, 2005, 7:24:14 PM, you wrote:
>> alpha5 ~ $ grep include_path /usr/local/etc/php.ini
>> include_path = ".:/php/includes:/usr/local/share/pear/"
>> Same Error
JB> Is it safe to assume that you restarted Apache after making the edit to
JB> php.ini? You can create a test.php file in Apache's docroot with just
JB> "<? phpinfo(); ?>" (no quotes) in it. Hit test.php with a browser and
JB> you should see the desired include_path value reflected under "PHP Core".
include_path .:/php/includes:/usr/local/share/pear/
I'm restart it. The same result.
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function aggregate_methods() in /usr/local/www/sites/vdv-s.ru/sip/data/serweb/html/data_layer.php on line 87, referer: http://sip.vdv-s.ru/serweb/
I have latest cvs version.
Best regards,
Dmitry mailto:freebsd@vdv-s.ru
Dear ALL:
Because bandwith or number of users issue, can I limit the maxmum
registered UACs?
How can I implement it at my ser.cfg? Which modules can do this goal?
Thank you for your reply.
Best Regards
Using stock modules, is a pre-paid call cutoff scenario possible?
If so, is someone willing to share configuration snippets to do it?
Thanks in advance.
I tried passing uri as parameter to module, but it says config errors.
in ser.cfg give config file errors.
Can anyone help me how to get the current uri in a module as a string or
Hi All.
I'm a confused when handling CANCEL messages when the call is between
my SER proxy and a PSTN gateway.
I've had a few discussions with Jan regarding when lookup("location")
needs to be called and as I understand it CANCEL is sort of an odd
message that is not really mid-dialog, and therefore not
record-routed. So lookup("location") needs to be called before
t_relay()ing a CANCEL.
This is fine for calls between two UAs on the same SER proxy since
both UAs have a contact record and lookup("location") will return
But when calling SIP->PSTN, and you hang up from the SIP side, the
CANCEL is sent from the SIP UA to SER. Then SER tries to find the
contact record in the location table, but since this is a PSTN
destination, lookup(location) returns false, thus a 404 and the CANCEL
is not relayed to the PSTN gateway.
So what is the best way to process CANCEL messages? Just ignore
lookup("location") when it returns false for CANCEL messages?
My basic ser.cfg is like this:
route {
# sanity checks
if (method!="REGISTER") record_route();
if (loose_route()) {
if (uri!=myself) {
if (uri==myself) {
if (method=="REGISTER") {
if (!lookup("location")) {
sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
Hi all,
I just used the SIP-Version of Protos Test-Suite and realized a
vulnerability in xlog.so:
If you use xlog in ser.cfg and you inject the format string "%s%x%n" as
request-method than ser hangs up.
I use ser 0.8.14. The simulation tool is available at:
Hi All.
Can anyone tell me what happens if max_contacts() is set to one (1)
and you register a SIP phone then move the same SIP phone to another
Does the old contact record get deleted, or would the phone not be
able to re-REGISTER until the first contact record expires?
Hello Jason,
Friday, March 11, 2005, 5:06:44 PM, you wrote:
JB> Hi Dmitry,
JB> Dmitry Rybin wrote:
>>Hello Jason,
>>Thursday, March 10, 2005, 11:31:09 PM, you wrote:
>>JB> Dmitry Rybin wrote:
>>>>I have error in http-error.log & serweb didnt work.
>>>>PHP Fatal error: main() [<a
>>>>Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:') in
>>>>/usr/local/www/sites/vdv-s.ru/sip/data/serweb/html/main_prepend.php on line 38
>>>>There is no this file in cvs & tar.
>>>>I'm Using:
>>JB> You need php-pear.
>>JB> Regards,
>>added pear.
>>php5-5.0.3_2 PHP Scripting Language (Apache Module and CLI)
>>php5-mysql-5.0.3_2 The mysql shared extension for php
>>php5-pcre-5.0.3_2 The pcre shared extension for php
>>php5-pear-5.0.3_2 PEAR framework for PHP
>>php5-xml-5.0.3_2 The xml shared extension for php
>>[client] PHP Fatal error: main() [<a
>>href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening
>>required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:') in
>>on line 38
JB> You may need to set the include_path then. e.g. On SUSE:
JB> whimsy:~ # locate DB.php
JB> /usr/share/php/DB.php
JB> whimsy:~ # grep include_path /etc/php.ini
JB> ; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must
JB> include_path = "/usr/share/php"
JB> ;include_path = ".;c:\php\includes"
JB> Hope this helps.
alpha5 ~ $ locate DB.php
alpha5 ~ $ grep include_path /usr/local/etc/php.ini
include_path = ".:/php/includes:/usr/local/share/pear/"
Same Error
Best regards,
Dmitry mailto:freebsd@vdv-s.ru
hi all,
I am trying to run nathelper with rtpproxy, and I am currently using a
configuration based on a supposedly working standard example config,
but I haven't got it to work yet.
I took a look at an example configuration for SER as an application
layer gateway,between two RFC1918 networks, and noticed that rtpproxy
was called with some parameters in there (i.e. force_rtp_prpoxy(EI),
obviously denoting the direction from External network tow an Internal
Does anyone know if these parameters are mandatory? Or if someone has
a currently working nathelper/rtpproxy configuration, please provide
any feedback on that.
I also keep getting a "cannot extract body from the message" error
from the rtpproxy.