hi all,
I am using openser 0.9.5. I recently configured openser supporting gateway chaining with two failure routes. I tested it and it was working fine, and when I put it into actual production environment which processes close to 200 calls per second in peak hrs, openser crashed after an hours time. I think there was a memory leak.
The error message in syslog at that time showed:
ERROR: t_should_relay_response: status rewrite by UAS: stored: 487, received: 100
my snippet of cfg file is below:
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer", 27)
modparam("tm", "fr_timer", 3)
modparam("tm", "fr_inv_timer_avp", "3")
if(method=="INVITE") {
if (uri=~"^sip:00[0-9]*@") {
failure_route[1] {
failure_route[2] {
onreply_route[2] {
if (status=~"18[0-9]") {
I had ser fr_timer to 3 secs so that if there is no response within 3 secs the other route is tried.
Please let me know what logical error was there in my cfg which made openser crash. Is it something related with the timer?
thanks in advance.
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I've been running my experimental(production in the near future)
environment with ser and a mysql-db for some months now but want to switch
to postgres and openser soon. i'm using a very simple routing as i didn't
have the time to dig deeper into the ser-routing-language.
i've already adapted my current config-file to openser and the routing
works as expected. still, there is one major problem i could not
cope with yet: Expiry.
i'm using a snom 190 and had the "proposed expiry"
set to 10min with ser, without any registration-problems or
with openser with the same settings on the snom i loose my registration
within a few minutes after phone-reboot, when setting "proposed expiry" to
1min on the snom it works without problems endlessly - but setting this
generally to 1min on all the phones that will register at openser doesn't
seem to be a good idea and i guess there are other ways.
I've tried to force it with the modparams min_expire 100, max_expire 1800
and default_expire 600
but the result is still the same, calls are possible after rebooting the
phone, but after some minutes(below 10min), i loose registration. I had
similar problems due to a firewall closing the connection, but that
occured when i had set a 60min expiry on the snom(with ser), the 10min
timeout works fine with the same snom 190 and ser.
I've searched a lot for
expiry-problems but only found the modparams above that could be
responsible for this.
Sorry if my explanations sound simple and untechnical,
but i'm pretty unexperienced with ser/openser yet so i try to explain it
the way i understand it, simple ;-)
i've attached my config-files, both ser and openser:
21X.XXX.XXX.100 is the host running ser(port 5060) and openser(port 5061)
21X.XXX.XXX.101 is asterisk1
21X.XXX.XXX.102 is asterisk2(asterisk2.de.domain.cc)
i'm registering my phones at openser with the domain siptest1.domain.cc, the
second domain sip2.de.domain.cc is a test for a multidomain setup but
doesn't work yet(i can't
use the domain-column provided by the db since i need two different
origination domains in asterisk's sip.conf to seperate the calls - maybe
not the best approach...)
a second question regarding the multidomain - i can't register with
sip2.de.domain.cc - i guess there's something wrong with my regexp
"if (uri=~"^sip:(.+@)?((sip2\.)?(de\.)?domain\.cc)([:;\?].*)?$") {"
someone having mercy and tell me what is wrong with my syntax(or maybe a
link to a descriptive documentation - ser admin guide was not enough for
As I know, we can use lookup function for lookup an alias of an RURI.
It is for inbound call. How about the outbound call? Say, I have an
account (881234) with an alias (24568849). Someone can call the alias
to reach the account (881234) by using lookup function. How can I
make outbound call such that the caller number will be replaced by the
alias? As I know we can use uac_replace_from(display,uri) to replace
the from URI. But I have no idea how to retrieve an alias from the
>From URI. Any clue?
Happly new year!
My problem:
1.I start openser with TLS support,follow the TLS help file,create a ca/demoCA/ and create cert.pem,private.pem,key.pem.openser is start well,but I cann't list the listen ports by openserctl ps,how I can be sure openser is started by TLS support?
2.My client is minisip phone that TLS support.but when I start minisip to registar,the error messenge is "exception caught when creating TLS server",I donn't know what's happend.
Please help me !
Kenny Yeh
TEL:8621-6421-6758 ext.311
AFAIK you can't do this with (open)ser.
Gene Willingham wrote:
> I would like to see if I can use Openser as an Outbound Proxy for Asterisk.
> I would like SIP clients to register with asterisk, but go through Openser
> first.
> What I need Openser to do is receive the request, deal with NAT issues then
> forward the request to Asterisk for registration. I see two possibilities.
> 1. Openser configured as Outbound proxy setting on the SIP device.
> 2. Openser configured as proxy, but then forward request to asterisk.
> Any help or pointers greatly appreciated.
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> Users mailing list
> Users(a)openser.org
> http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
Hello there,
I know the question may have been asked a lot of times, but I am really
scratching my head with hat issue :
I installed serweb to use with my openser SIP server. I followed the install
procedure for serweb, and now I am facing a problem : I can't log on th
eserweb admin page with admin / heslo.
I have tried all the tricks I could see on the different ailing list
discussions. I have tried to remove the domain's autocompletion and tried
different possibilities by myself.
Could you help me figuring out wher serweb stores the admin login
information so that I can change it by hand and try to log in after that ?
Thank you for your help
Hello there,
I know the question may have been asked a lot of times, but I am really
scratching my head with hat issue :
I installed serweb to use with my openser SIP server. I followed the install
procedure for serweb, and now I am facing a problem : I can't log on th
eserweb admin page with admin / heslo.
I have tried all the tricks I could see on the different ailing list
discussions. I have tried to remove the domain's autocompletion and tried
different possibilities by myself.
Could you help me figuring out wher serweb stores the admin login
information so that I can change it by hand and try to log in after that ?
Thank you for your help
I would like to see if I can use Openser as an Outbound Proxy for Asterisk.
I would like SIP clients to register with asterisk, but go through Openser
What I need Openser to do is receive the request, deal with NAT issues then
forward the request to Asterisk for registration. I see two possibilities.
1. Openser configured as Outbound proxy setting on the SIP device.
2. Openser configured as proxy, but then forward request to asterisk.
Any help or pointers greatly appreciated.
Klaus Darilion,您好!
Thans for your help!!!! I am trying..... but my client minisip phone 's setup is follow your tips?
what's the ca and what's the private key? as openser's cfg file?
======= 2006-01-04 17:55:20 您在来信中写道:=======
>Kenny Yeh wrote:
>> users,您好!
>> Hi,
>> You reply my question.But no answer my question.
>> I build a openser with tls support,and client is minisip.I want to test the tls between server from client.
>> I do my right cfg file on openser.I donn't know if you want to read it? please see the below:
>> cfg file.
>> debug=9 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
>> fork=yes
>> log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E)
>> check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v)
>> dns=no # (cmd. line: -r)
>> rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R)
>> #port=5060
>> children=4
>> fifo="/tmp/openser_fifo"
>> #fifo_db_url="mysql:mysql_url"
>> #
>> # uncomment the following lines for TLS support
>> disable_tls = 0
>> listen = tls:
>> tls_verify = 1
>> tls_require_certificate = 0
>> tls_method = SSLv23
>> tls_certificate = "/ca/demoCA/cacert.pem"
>> tls_private_key = "/ca/demoCA/private/cakey.pem"
>> tls_ca_list = "/ca/openser2/calist.pem"
>Hi Kenny!
>CA is the Caetificae Authority (the organization that signs the
>tls_ca_list = "/ca/demoCA/cacert.pem"
>The private key is YOUR private key, not the key of the CA!
>tls_private_key = "/ca/openser2/privkey.pem"
>The certificate is YOUR certificate, not the certificate of the CA!
>tls_certificate = "/ca/openser2/cert.pem"
>further, I'm not sure if minisip supports SSL. Try:
>tls_method = TLSv1
>> down is by default.
>> I can start ser well,and I see the ser.log ,TLS is running,some ca files is loaded.now I start minisip phone to registar,but minisip phone's error messenge:"exception caught where creating tls server" I donn't konw why?
>> I donn't know if my detail is enough,If you are ok,please send me the steps help to test TLS cfg file or manual book for cookie.
>> I found the tls help file,
>> mkdir demoCA
>> This is the default CA name and it must be exactly as set in your openssl configuration /etc/ss/openssl.cnf :
>> how to set in openssl.cnf file? or if I didn't ,tls cann't be support?
>> 致
>> 礼!
>> Kenny Yeh
>> 上海金叶通讯科技有限公司
>> TEL:8621-6421-6758 ext.311
>> kenny(a)artdio.com.tw
>> 2006-01-04
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> Users mailing list
>> Users(a)openser.org
>> http://openser.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Kenny Yeh
You reply my question.But no answer my question.
I build a openser with tls support,and client is minisip.I want to test the tls between server from client.
I do my right cfg file on openser.I donn't know if you want to read it? please see the below:
cfg file.
debug=9 # debug level (cmd line: -dddddddddd)
log_stderror=no # (cmd line: -E)
check_via=no # (cmd. line: -v)
dns=no # (cmd. line: -r)
rev_dns=no # (cmd. line: -R)
# uncomment the following lines for TLS support
disable_tls = 0
listen = tls:
tls_verify = 1
tls_require_certificate = 0
tls_method = SSLv23
tls_certificate = "/ca/demoCA/cacert.pem"
tls_private_key = "/ca/demoCA/private/cakey.pem"
tls_ca_list = "/ca/openser2/calist.pem"
down is by default.
I can start ser well,and I see the ser.log ,TLS is running,some ca files is loaded.now I start minisip phone to registar,but minisip phone's error messenge:"exception caught where creating tls server" I donn't konw why?
I donn't know if my detail is enough,If you are ok,please send me the steps help to test TLS cfg file or manual book for cookie.
I found the tls help file,
mkdir demoCA
This is the default CA name and it must be exactly as set in your openssl configuration /etc/ss/openssl.cnf :
how to set in openssl.cnf file? or if I didn't ,tls cann't be support?
Kenny Yeh
TEL:8621-6421-6758 ext.311