Dear List
I'm currently facing an issue with a carrier whereby they are complaining
that the via header branch parameter (sip.Via.branch == "z9hG4bKcydzigwkX")
in the ACK messages is not unique which results in some calls being
successful and some terminating after 20 seconds as their sip proxy
determines it as a duplicate request. Is there a way to make the via header
branch parameter in the ACK message unique across every transaction?
Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Hello all,
Is it possible to configure Kamailio to reply to a request with a 503 if it cannot connect to a necessary database for the operation?
I.e. Kamailio cannot connect to the database, when a REGISTER comes in and userloc can't find the credentials (due to DB failure), respond with a 503. The requesting endpoint can then fail over properly. The same behaviour would be desired for other modules as well, i.e. aliasdb.
I noticed using 3.1.5 that it simply does not authorize the user.
anyone knows what is the options to use $stat ?
in siremis there are some examples.
but, where can i see what kind of names can i write in the (name) part and
what kind of info do they give?
I have just installed Kamailio 3.2 on Solaris sparc and would like to
know what is the best way to have Kamailio to run under another userid,
like kamailio.
Nathaniel L Keeling
I am trying to download GPG key as following and got connection timeout:
It seems that the server is down.
Where else can I download this same Debian package?
Hello All,
I have setup the Kamailio 3.1.0 behind a NAT/firewall. I'm using record_route_preset() function to keep the Public IP(advertised_address) in the Route header.
I have to setup a where TLS->UDP and UDP->TLS to work. The sip clients do TLS and we have third party sip clients that only do UDP.
The problem, Kamailio does not do double record-route when I provide record_route_preset().
This is leading to a problem where the call is either hung on TLS or UDP. I'm unsure how to go around this problem.
I had posted earlier about this problem, is there a way I could use the advertised_address in the record route headers in this case?
i use "ds_select_domain()" to route a call.
if the destination reply with an error i am using the next lines in a route
that i called from the failure route:
if($avp(OSPRPL)!=404) {
after trying this line i do "kamctl fifo ds_list" and i see the host is
still at "AX". and in the next call the dispatcher still tries the same
why? how do i set a destinatio in dispatcher to be inactive?
this is my modparams:
#------ dispatcher params ---------
modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", DBURL)
modparam("dispatcher", "dst_avp", "$avp(dsdst)")
modparam("dispatcher", "cnt_avp", "$avp(dscnt)")
modparam("dispatcher", "grp_avp", "$avp(dsgrp)")
modparam("dispatcher", "attrs_avp", "$avp(dsattrs)")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_from", "")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_reply_codes", "class=2;code=405")
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 30)
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_hash_size", 8)
modparam("dispatcher", "flags", 2)
i am using the dispatcher module in order to send the call to a LNP server.
after the 3xx reply from the LNP server, i would like to send the invite
back to the proxy that initiate the call from the beginnig.
how do i do that?
it seems that kamailio dispatcher sets the host domain in the Internet
Protocol, and the sip request line does not change
so to be short.. two questions:
1. how do i "undo" the dispatcher?
2. how do i make the dispatcher change the requst lineas well? (i am using
ds_select_dst or ds_select_domain and they do the same...)
the carrierroute module, do it better, but i need the dispatcher for the
"keep alive" usage.
ideas will be great :-)
I have Kamailio 3.1.0 behind a NAT. We need the Firewall for sip-security reasons.
Currently I'm using record_route_preset("advertised_Address") for keeping the advertised address in the record-route header. This works for fine when I have all clients running on UDP protocol.
I currently have some TLS clients added to our network, Kamailio does not insert the second record-route header with the advertised-IP whenever there is a call between a UDP and a TLS Client.
Instead it inserts the internal/Local IP of the server.
I had also noticed the record_route_preset() function does not include the transport parameter ("transport=UDP" or "transport=TLS").
I was looking through the source code of Kamailio and found record_route_advertised_address() in record.c . I would like to know how to use this function with the Kamailio config.