Dear List
I have an issue with topoh module.
Specifically for in-dialog requests, if the encoded uri is altered i.e.
initial encoded contact uri is
Contact: <sip:X.X.X.X;line=sr-huAWi7oPBYsF.cC0L2lWOUlPwbSWOUl6wURTw24W>
and UAS sends an in-dialog INVITE like this adding tgrp and user=phone:
Kamailio cant seem to match/decode this and responds "404 Not Found"
I have also set:
modparam("topoh", "uri_prefix_checks", 0)
As specified here:
But still doesn't work. Is there a bug with this module?
# ====================================================
# ================ TOPOLOGY HIDING ===================
# ====================================================
modparam("topoh", "mask_key", "secret")
modparam("topoh", "mask_ip", "X.X.X.X")
modparam("topoh", "mask_callid", 0)
modparam("topoh", "uparam_name", "line")
modparam("topoh", "uparam_prefix", "sr-")
modparam("topoh", "vparam_name", "branch")
modparam("topoh", "vparam_prefix", "z9hG4bKsr-")
modparam("topoh", "uri_prefix_checks", 0)
Thanks in advance for your support
I was trying out the auth_ephemeral module inside the xhttp
event_route in Python KEMI, and discovered a possible bug.
The following will result in the stack smash error. Whenever I leave
out the unixtimestamp the
module will complain about not being able to convert to an int, which
make sense, but doesn't lead to a stack smash error and a complete
crash of Kamailio.
KSR.auth_ephemeral.autheph_authenticate("1576734089:grant", "1234").
According to the documentation this module can only be used in
REQUEST_ROUTE, but I found a presentation online which also used this
module and that particular function in event_route, which is what I
need for WebSocket authentication.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you need more information.
We are getting a SIP 401 Unauthorized -Challenging the UE error originating by the SCSCF. It looks to be related to the nonce/cnonce.
Is there something we have misconfigured in our SCSCF module?
Log output:
May 1 14:01:45 imskamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18489]: DEBUG: ims_auth [authorize.c:786]: authenticate(): Nonce or response missing: nonce len [-108158976], response16 len[1873606560]
May 1 14:01:45 imskamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18492]: DEBUG: ims_auth [utils.c:168]: get_nonce_response(): Calling find_credentials with realm []
May 1 14:01:45 imskamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18492]: DEBUG: ims_auth [utils.c:195]: get_nonce_response(): Found nonce response
May 1 14:01:45 imskamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18492]: INFO: ims_auth [authorize.c:827]: authenticate(): nonce=9863c63855c8dd888c5c18e79fc61156 response=ce7ce73872b92aff2defa76dd1aff1ac qop=auth-int nc=00000001 cnonce=4fe4daacd69fa3d609c8b396d331eae6 hbody=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
May 1 14:01:45 imskamailio /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[18492]: DEBUG: ims_auth [rfc2617.c:135]: calc_response(): calc_response(_ha1=7a1b479a0513914e71bcd6d005b3e17d, _nonce=9863c63855c8dd888c5c18e79fc61156, _nc=00000001,_cnonce=4fe4daacd69fa3d609c8b396d331eae6, _qop=auth-int, _auth_int=1,_method=REGISTER,,_hentity=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e)
Usually it's our client's VoIP technology being updated. Fortunately we
found a little spare time to completely revamp the Voisonics website as
Voisonics provides products and services in the commercial VoIP and hosted
PBX sector; in particular relating to Kamailio, Asterisk, and Enswitch. The
business has been specialising in this area for almost 10 years.
Please feel free to contact me off-list with any questions.
Kind regards,
David Cunningham, Voisonics Limited
USA: +1 213 221 1092
New Zealand: +64 (0)28 2558 3782
I came across this thread from Jan 2015 discussing the addition of JWT token authentication to Kamailio:
Was JWT authentication ever added?
Or has anyone else on this list got JWT working somehow?
Hi all,
I’m still building with app_ruby and loving it - for the most part!
I’m having an issue with one of my providers responding with a 482 on auth invite. Researching, it appears that my CSeq isn’t incrementing and this is the reason for the issue.
I already have the relevant flag set in my kamailio.cfg however:
modparam("dialog", "track_cseq_updates", 1)
During my uac_auth, I’ve tried manually setting the diff, as well as running msg_iflag_reset (as suggested by Daniel - <> - unfortunately the function isn’t exported in KEMI):
if KSR::UAC.uac_auth() then"UAC authed, relaying")
KSR::PV.sets("$dlg_var(cseq_diff)", "1")"CSeq diff: #{KSR::PV.gete("$dlg_var(cseq_diff)")}")
Unfortunately in both cases the actual CSeq doesn’t increment in the second INVITE:
INVITE 1 (unauthenticated):
> CSeq: 102 INVITE
INVITE 2 (with Authorization header):
> CSeq: 102 INVITE
I’m unsure if I’ve missed something silly around the track_cseq_updates flag, or if app_ruby somehow isn’t interacting with the dialog module when running uac_auth to trigger the increment?
Kind regards,
My K host is behind a mobile WiFi hotspot and I tried to make K listen at
the IPv6 address fe80::6e29:95ff:fe7d:37e6/64 that the host has received
from the hotspot.
Using that address on listen line gives error:
Apr 21 08:55:18 salmon /usr/bin/sip-proxy[6887]: ERROR: <core> [core/udp_server.c:395]: udp_init(): bind(8, 0x7ff97dfb3fe4, 28) on FE80:0:0:0:6E29:95FF:FE7D:37E6: Invalid argument
Apr 21 08:55:18 salmon /usr/bin/sip-proxy[6887]: ERROR: <core> [core/udp_server.c:401]: udp_init(): might be caused by using a link local address, try site local or global
I can ping that address like this:
$ ping6 fe80::6e29:95ff:fe7d:37e6%wlp1s0
PING fe80::6e29:95ff:fe7d:37e6%wlp1s0(fe80::6e29:95ff:fe7d:37e6%wlp1s0) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::6e29:95ff:fe7d:37e6%wlp1s0: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.030 ms
I then tried to add %wlp1s0 suffix to the listen address, but got error:
Apr 21 09:10:35 salmon sip-proxy[7896]: 0(7948) CRITICAL: <core> [core/cfg.y:3510]: yyerror_at(): parse error in config file /etc/sip-proxy/sip-proxy.cfg, line 408, column 34: ip address, interface name or hostname expected
Did I do something wrong? If not, why is it that K cannot listen at a
link local address? It is something that Linux networking stack does
not support?
-- Juha