I have configured kamailio as Ims server with pcscf,icscf,scsf and hss in 4
different vms . After that I use zoiper client for testing the call flow .
Registration is successful .It goes via
UE -> Pcscf -> icscf -> scscf and returns back with 200 OK . Registration
is happening with authentication from hss .
When I make an INVITE , it goes from
UE -> PCSCF -> SCSCF -> ICSCF -> SCSF and s-cscf gives *403 - Domain not
served *to icscf and i-cscf returns to p-cscf with the same error .
I am not seeing any errors in scscf and i-cscf .
In pcscf , I am seeing an error like
*Error : <core> [core/lvalue.c] :lval_pvar_assign() : setting pvar failed *
*Error : <core> [core/lvalue.c] :*
*lval_assign():assignment failed at pos*
What should I do? Kindly advise.
I am struggling with this issue for a week.kindly do the needful.
Version - kamailio - 5.3.3
I need a normal call flow to be established between two clients.kindly help
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 10:51:25PM +0200, Daniel-Constantin Mierla wrote:
> - corex module offers functions to set source address and received
> socket for more flexibility why processing on
Interesting. Thanks for the tip!
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.csrpswitch.com/
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 04:54:48PM +0100, David Villasmil wrote:
> I have a question on this, since 180 arrived before the 200, shouldn’t it
> go out before? I.e.: FIFO? Or is this not happening because there are
> multiple processes and one may take the 180 and the other the 200 and they
> are processes independently?
> I guess setting the childs to only 1 should prove this theory.
In theory, it should all be FIFO, of course. In practice, there are
stochastic aspects to OS process scheduling and I/O scheduling which
make the ingress and egress of messages arriving at Kamailio
simultaneously or substantially simultaneously somewhat indeterminate.
And, of course, it depends on how complicated the processing of the
messages respectively is, either in computational terms, or external I/O
wait, or both.
To Steve Davies' point, that's just the nature of the multiprocess
architecture, together with the lack of a distributor thread.
-- Alex
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.csrpswitch.com/
On Wed, Apr 08, 2020 at 01:30:21PM +0000, Henning Westerholt wrote:
> There is also the option to do an asynchronous sleep (with the async)
> module on the message that you want to delay but still processing
> other messages during it.
We have a buggy endpoint that consistently sends reinvites immediately
following the e2e ACK, and substantially simultaneously with the ACK. It
quite often happens that the re-invite goes out the door before the ACK,
which is of course rejected by the target due to inconsistent state.
We solved this a somewhat nasty hack using just the very technique you
mentioned -- we use the async features of Kamailio to 'delay' all
re-invites about 50 ms. It does solve this problem, if a bit
suboptimally and at the cost of eccentricity and complexity.
-- Alex
Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
Tel: +1-706-510-6800 / +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free)
Web: http://www.evaristesys.com/, http://www.csrpswitch.com/
Hello all!
I'm wondering if there are any plans to
add record_route_advertised_address() function to KEMI? I'm unable to
completely finish my migration to KEMI without this function due to server
side NAT in our VPC and the record_route header getting automatically set
to the advertised address.
Is there a workaround I could use to change the record route header? Is
anyone aware of any resources we could utilize to help get this fixed?
Thanks for reading!
Voice Engineer
I have configured kamailio as Ims server with pcscf,icscf,scsf and hss in 4
different vms . After that I use zoiper client for testing the call flow .
Registration is successful .It goes via
UE -> Pcscf -> icscf -> scscf and returns back with 200 OK . Registration
is happening with authentication from hss .
When I make an INVITE , it goes from
UE -> PCSCF -> SCSCF -> ICSCF -> SCSF and s-cscf gives *403 - Domain not
served *to icscf and i-cscf returns to p-cscf with the same error .
I am not seeing any errors in scscf and i-cscf .
In pcscf , I am seeing an error like
*Error : <core> [core/lvalue.c] :lval_pvar_assign() : setting pvar failed *
*Error : <core> [core/lvalue.c] :*
*lval_assign():assignment failed at pos*
What should I do? Kindly advise.
I am struggling with this issue for a week.kindly do the needful.
Version - kamailio - 5.3.3
I need a normal call flow to be established between two clients.kindly help
Hi Users,
I am new to kamailio, and trying to implement webrtc on kamailio, i am
getting following error when i try to login from tryjssip page.
Mar 29 21:11:15 kamailio kamailio[20570]: ERROR: <core>
[core/tcp_read.c:1535]: tcp_read_req(): bad request, state=7, error=4
buf:#012GET / HTTP/1.1#015#012Host: kamailio..com:7443#015#012Connection:
Upgrade#015#012Pragma: no-cache#015#012Cache-Control:
no-cache#015#012User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_2)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149
Safari/537.36#015#012Upgrade: websocket#015#012Origin:
13#015#012Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br#015#012Accept-Language:
permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Protocol:
sip#015#012#015#012#012parsed:#012GET / HTTP/1.1#015#012Host:
kamailio..com:7443#015#012Connection: Upgrade#015#012Pragma:
no-cache#015#012Cache-Control: no-cache#015#012User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36#015#012Upgrade: websocket#015#012Origin:
13#015#012Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br#015#012Accept-Language:
permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits#015#012Sec-WebSocket-Protocol:
I can see following error on chrome console.
WebSocket connection to 'wss://kamailio..com:7443/' failed: Connection
closed before receiving a handshake response
I tried to set tcp_accept_no_cl to value 'no' and this did not helped me
Can someone please help me with the issue
Bilal Abbasi
Hi there,
Is there some mechanism to reload Contacts *and *their attributes at
runtime, without a full Kamailio restart?
Known to me tools:
*rpc ul.add* will add a new Contact, but not its attributes
*rpc ul.flush* will flush from memory to DB, not the other way around
Having a combination of registered/permanent Contacts, I can add permanent
ones with *ul.add*, however I couldn't find a way to set its attributes
other than in DB location, which implies the need for a reload.
Thanks in advance.
Hey All,
I always have issues with substituting out header values. I’ve tried subst and subst_hf.
Here is the value that I want to change out:
Contact: <sip:;line=sr-h06Cy7RYRFkYacM0a7epa7sVa7sVRcNCW7IbaGZ9RGlC <sip:;line=sr-h06Cy7RYRFkYacM0a7epa7sVa7sVRcNCW7IbaGZ9RGlC>>
And this is what I want it to be
Contact: <sip:1313717555@jump.dsiprouter.net <sip:1313717555@jump.dsiprouter.net>;line=sr-h06Cy7RYRFkYacM0a7epa7sVa7sVRcNCW7IbaGZ9RGlC>
I’m using this
subst('/^Contact: <sip:(.*);(.*)>$/Contact: <sip:1313717555@jump.dsiprouter.net;\2 <sip:1313717555@jump.dsiprouter.net;\2>>\r/ig’);
And it doesn’t work, but putting into a online regular expression tester it looks good as shown below. Any ideas?