I'm testing call recording with Rtpengine. It works fine when the
"record-call=on" flag is added to the *rtpengine_offer* or *start_recording* is
used in the *request_route*.
But I was wondering if the call recording can be managed by a separate
application. So I add the following lines to the
*event_route[xhttp:request]* and triggered it with an HTTP request after
the call was established. The call-id value was taken from the Rtpengine
log and sent with the request.
* if ($hu =~ "^/CALL_RECORD_START/") {*
* $var(call_id) = *"call-id=" + *$(hu{s.select,2,/});*
xlog("L_DBG", "$var(call_id)");
* start_recording($var(call_id));*
* }*
In this case, Kamailio will log errors and will not send the Rtpengine
command to start call recording.
*Apr 27 18:25:00 test /usr/sbin/kamailio[5347]: DEBUG: <script>:
*Apr 27 18:25:00 test /usr/sbin/kamailio[5347]: DEBUG: <core>
[core/parser/msg_parser.c:89]: get_hdr_field(): found end of header*
*Apr 27 18:25:00 test /usr/sbin/kamailio[5347]: ERROR: rtpengine
[rtpengine_funcs.c:294]: get_callid(): call-id not found*
*Apr 27 18:25:00 test /usr/sbin/kamailio[5347]: ERROR: rtpengine
[rtpengine.c:2383]: rtpp_function_call(): can't get Call-Id field*
Have anyone tried to call functions *start_recording* and *stop_recording*
inside *event_route[xhttp:request]*?
Thanks a lot!
after almost 4 weeks since development was frozen, it is time to plan
releasing the next major stable version, respectively 5.5.0, therefore I
propose to do it on Wednesday, May 5, 2021.
The branch 5.5 was already created about one week ago, several doc
resources were published (core/variables/transformations/rpcs/stats
cookbooks, alphabetic indexes, ...).
If anyone is testing an upgrade from branch 5.4 to 5.5 and encounters
changes that should be done in Kamailio config, add notes about at:
* https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/upgrade/5.4.x-to-5.5.0
Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training - Online
May 17-20, 2021 (Europe Timezone) - June 7-10, 2021 (America Timezone)
* https://www.asipto.com/sw/kamailio-advanced-training-online/
hi everybody
how can i connect multiple asterisk to kamailio and user just connect to
specific asterisk(not load balancing),in fact each customer have their own
media gateway(asterisk) and use kamailio for topolgy hiding.
by regards and thanks.
Hi all,
It seems in the UAC module the $uac_req(body) PV is evaluated as a string,
How can I set the value of the request body of a generated request, to a
raw hex value without it being interpreted as a string?
Hello guys,
So i have a setup where
[proxy (no dialog tracking)]
[dialog server]
[proxy (no dialog tracking)]
I'd like to know when any of the clients are not available (i.e.: crashed,
shutdown unexpectedly. etc), so i enabled on the dialog server
ka_timer/ka_interval. I see the OPTIONS going to the proxy when the call
starts, and the proxy replying with 200 OK. If i shutdown the client, i see
the OPTIONS still going, but the proxy is still responding. I assume the
Proxy (kamailio) is simply responding to an OPTIONS message and not
actually trying to resend it to the client.
Is there anyway of doing this or something better to accomplish the same
David Villasmil
email: david.villasmil.work(a)gmail.com
phone: +34669448337
Hello guys,
is it possible to enable the ka_timer and ka_internal dynamically on a per
leg basis? i.e. Only the a-leg?
Thanks guys
David Villasmil
email: david.villasmil.work(a)gmail.com
phone: +34669448337
the formal notification that the development for the next major version
5.5.0 is now frozen. The focus has to be on testing the master branch.
Also, the master branch should not get commits with new features till
the branch 5.5 is created, expected to happen in 2-4 weeks, a matter of
how testing goes on. Meanwhile, the commits with new features in the C
code can be pushed to personal branches, new pull requests can still be
done, but they will be merged after branching 5.5.
Can still be done commits with documentation improvements, enhancements
to related tools (e.g., kamctl, kamcmd), merging exiting pull requests
at this
moment, exporting missing KEMI functions and completing the functionality
of the new modules added in 5.5.
Once the branch 5.5 is created, new features can be pushed again to
master branch as usual. From that moment, the v5.5.0 should be out very
soon, time used for further testing but also preparing the release of
If someone is not sure if a commit brings a new feature, just make a
pull request and it can be discussed there on github portal or via
sr-dev mailing list.
A summary of what is new in upcoming 5.5 is going to be built at:
* https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/features/new-in-5.5.x
Upgrade guidelines will be collected at:
* https://www.kamailio.org/wiki/install/upgrade/5.4.x-to-5.5.0
Everyone is more than welcome to contribute to the above wiki pages,
especially to the upgrade guidelines, to help everyone else during the
migration process from v5.4.x to 5.4.x.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.comwww.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Hi all,
We are using RTPProxy with Kamailio on Amazon EC2. Everything seems to work
fine, but once in a while we would get IPs like: and no port.
Any idea what is wrong?
Hello sir,
I make a video call using linphone on kamailio when i made it on local host i works fine when i give my kamailio server static public ip and working on internet and making a video call the screen is always black but the sound is available why ?
Thank you sir.