The behaviour of the sdpops module is not fully clear to me.
Lets say in the INVITE contains in the m= line the payloads 0 99 but has no a= line for codec 0 / PCMU, Would the sdp_keep_codecs_by_name(“PCMU”) keep PCMU ?
What about the case that the INVITE contains in the m=line only the payload 99 but shows an additional a=line for codec 0 / PCMU. Would the sdp_keep_codecs_by_name(“PCMU”) keep PCMU ? If yes, would the extra mtype parameter prevent that? e.g. sdp_keep_codecs_by_name(“PCMU”, mtype)
What happens when several m= lines are present? Does sdp_keep_codecs_by_name consider all m=lines ? Are the treated separately?
What happens to payloads which are not in the hard-coded list in sdpops_data.c ? Can they be used with the sdpops functions?
Thanks for your hints.
Best Gerry
codecsmap_t sdpops_codecsmap_table[] = {
{ {"PCMU", 4}, {"0", 1} },
{ {"GSM", 3}, {"3", 1} },
{ {"G723", 4}, {"4", 1} },
{ {"DVI4", 4}, {"5,6,16,17", 9} },
{ {"LPC", 3}, {"7", 1} },
{ {"PCMA", 4}, {"8", 1} },
{ {"G722", 4}, {"9", 1} },
{ {"L16", 3}, {"10,11", 5} },
{ {"QCELP", 5}, {"12", 2} },
{ {"CN", 2}, {"13", 5} },
{ {"MPA", 3}, {"14", 2} },
{ {"G728", 4}, {"15", 2} },
{ {"G729", 4}, {"18", 2} },
{ {0, 0}, {0, 0} }