 thanx 4 ur response,
Problem is still same. when I type the path "http://localhost/serweb/html/" it shows the directories list like admin,user_interface etc. But when i put "admin" next to html path, it shows nothing (blank page) and no prompted for username and password. even i have all the files in the admin and user_interface  folders.
Can anybody help me ..how can i solve this problem.
thanx in advance,

Prashant Bhalesain <prashb2000@yahoo.com> wrote:

I kept serweb in /usr/local/etc/serweb
in httpd.conf
Alias /serweb "/user/local/etc/serweb/html"

If you are getting apache 403 error
then run
s -Z /dir/where/www/root/will/be

chcon -R -h -t httpd_sys_content_t

ls -Z /dir/where/www/root/will/be

follow this thread

I hope this helps.


--- fay butt wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am in deep trouble of SERWEB path
> configuration. Can any body tell me how to configure
> the SERWEB and where i have to install it..my apache
> is installed at /usr/local/apache/ , I am working on
> Fedorea Core 4... Plz,help me how to configure it, I
> have problem in path accessing...
> thanks in advance
> Faisal
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