tushar@eurus.net writes:
but I dont think they have added LCR in excluded list, I myself complied the ver, I also tried to complied just the lcr module but no use.
in the source directory, give command
make modules=modules/lcr modules
it should compile lcr module.
in Makefile there is
ifeq ($(MODS_PCRE),) exclude_modules+= dialplan lcr regex
so at least under some conditions, lcr module is on exclude_modules list.
before giving make, try
exclude_modules = export exclude_modules make
it should compile all modules. i have no clue on how to include just lcr module. i myself give exclude_modules a value that contains those modules that i don't use myself. you could try the same:
exclude_modules = list of module you use export exclude_modules make
-- juha