hi klaus,
I have the loose route block in my cfg file. I handle both the nated clients as well as non-nated clients in the loose route section properly.
Actually the problem is I suppose with the audio codes gateway that I use. When I tried to transfer using an x-ten softphone the call was transferred sucessfully.
If anybody has some idea about what setting must be done, kindly share it with me.
thanks a lot for your response.

Klaus Darilion <klaus.mailinglists@pernau.at> wrote:
Probably you have problems with relaying of in-dialog requests. Many
phones send a reINVITE just before the call transfer, to put the
original participant "on hold".

Do you have a

if (loose_route()) {

block in your openser.cfg?


Jayesh Nambiar wrote:
> hi klaus,
> Thanx for your response. I have hard phones connected to Audio codes
> 4-port gateway. The gateway is configured to send the calls to openser
> for processing. suppose there are three users connected to it.
> user1 calls user2. The call goes through. Now user 2 presses flash and
> tries to call user3, but both the phone gets disconnected.
> I did an ngrep and what i noticed was this:
> When user2 tries to transfer the call to user 3, the "INVITE" goes from
> user2 to user1 again and the call gets disconnected due to request
> timeout. I am not able to see any REFER method in the ngrep.
> Any advice will be appreciated.
> Thanx again.
> Jayesh
> */Klaus Darilion /* wrote:
> Yes, REFER method is for call transfer. Which clients do you use? Does
> the call orginate also from a SIP phone or from a gateway? What exactly
> is the problem? Do you see the REFER request? Including an "ngrep port
> 5060" would be useful.
> klaus
> Jayesh Nambiar wrote:
> > hi everyone,
> >
> > I was just trying to transfer the call to another user. All users
> are
> > registered at the same openser server. Now when I receive a call,
> is it
> > not possible to transfer the call to another IP user.
> > I thought REFER mehtod does this, but i think I am wrong. Is this
> > possible, can somebody pls clear my understanding regarding this
> concept.
> >
> > thanks in advance!!
> > jayesh
> >
> >
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