On 09/06/07 11:05, Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
El Wednesday 05 September 2007 17:10:23
Daniel-Constantin Mierla escribió:
your conditions are wrong. I said:
if ($var(is_uri_host_local)<0) to check if was a false response or:
if ($var(is_uri_host_local)>0) to check if was a true response.
To clarify a bit:
- when a function or route returns, the code is interpreted as: negative
value is false; 0 is exit interpreting configuration file; positive is
true - when an integer value is tested, the test is as in C: 0 is false,
otherwise is true
In your case, you test an integer.
Ok, understood. And it works at you say (doing the test > or <).
Anyway I don't like that test so I prefer to do at the start:
if ($var(is_uri_host_local) != 1) {
$var(is_uri_host_local) = "";
maybe not in this case, but yu should test for >0 to set it true or
false. 1 is not the only return code representing true, any number which
is positive.
Yes, ok, thanks for the advice.
Anyway I did some test and **this** function just returns "1" when true.
Thanks a lot for all you help.
*Iñaki Baz Castillo*
0034 937 333 375
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