Ollie, Thanks for the info.
I am not aware how to test SIP/TLS can you make a suggestion of how to do it and what is
the url of the page you mention.
However I have followed this page
I can get a successful tls connection when I connect with http so I know basic tls works.
Tested by having this in kamailio.cfg
event_route[xhttp:request] {
xhttp_reply("200", "OK",
"text/html","<html><body>Received HTTP request to $hu from
[$si:$sp] with protocol $proto</body></html>");
xlog("L_INFO", "HTTP Request Received\n");
Going to gives this
Received HTTP request to / from [] with protocol tls
19.03.2014, 19:50, "Olle E. Johansson" <oej(a)edvina.net>et>:
On 19 Mar 2014, at 16:46, jaflong jaflong
<jaflong(a)yandex.com> wrote:
What are the requirements for connecting with tls/wss.
I have not come across any information or example for this.
My config is working when the client uses ws. However if I change this to use wss, (this
is it only paramter I change) it does not work.
I understand Kamailio does not support DTLS, I set the jssip client DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement
to false to disable this, I also set the tls option to not require or verify certicficates
and it still does not work.
Kamailio has nothing to do with DTLS - it's in the media layer, not in the
What if other considaerstion do I need to check?
Check if normal SIP/TLS works and if you can connect with a web browser. There is a TLS
debugging page on the Kamailio wiki with a lot of helpful tips and tricks. We might want
to add WSS to that page.
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SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list