I got the full syslog and pcap and based on those K indeed totally froze
for about 14 minutes. Below is updated summary:
- K receives INVITE at 17:43:28 and forwards it over udp to uas
- uas immediately responds with 183 followed by 180, which k forwards to UAC
- at 17:44:29 uas responds again with 180 and K forwards it to UAC
- at 17:44:44 K's invite timeout timer fires and it sends "408 request
timeout" to uac, which responds with ack
- at that point K should also have send CANCEL to uas, but it didn't
- K keeps on handling requests normally until 17:46:39
- after that K freezes totally (no messages to syslog although pcap shows
that K receives requests over udp)
- at 16:00:23, K un-freezes and (according to pcap) sends two cancel
requests to the uas
- K also sends out several replies and request that are related to
requests that it had received before the freeze (and in most cases
gets back "481 transaction does not exist" replies)
- after that (during the same second) K starts to process normally new
incoming requests
- during the same second after the un-freeze, these errors are produced
to syslog:
Feb 1 16:00:23 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[1327]: INFO: db_mysql [km_dbase.c:85]:
db_mysql_submit_query(): driver error on ping: Lost connection to MySQL server during
Feb 1 16:00:23 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[1313]: INFO: tm [t_reply.c:480]: _reply_light():
can't generate 408 reply when a final 487 was sent out
Feb 1 16:00:23 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[1313]: ERROR: sl [sl.c:277]: send_reply(): failed to
reply stateful (tm)
Feb 1 16:00:23 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[1348]: CRITICAL: <core> [core/pass_fd.c:277]:
receive_fd(): EOF on 18
- finally K crashes:
Feb 1 16:00:24 /usr/bin/sip-proxy[1309]: ALERT: <core> [main.c:755]: handle_sigs():
child process 1314 exited by a signal 11
-- Juha