-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Hoffmann [mailto:hn@nvnc.de]
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 11:55 AM
To: Steven C. Blair
Cc: Michal Matyska; serusers(a)lists.iptel.org
Subject: Re: [Serusers] 200 OK not being ACKnowledged
Steven C. Blair wrote:
In route block 0 I use the following logic for relaying messages.
# Call Tear-Down Section for ACKs - do not account for acks
if (method=="ACK") {
xlog("L_INFO", "\n[SER]: --ACK--: Time: [%Tf] From: <%fu>
To <%tu> Src IP <%is> Method:<%rm>\n");
These ACKs are record routed messages like the BYE and thus should be
forwarded using something like this:
if (loose_route()) {
loose_route() does all the necessary magic to find out the next hop. You
should have a block like that already somewhere. Just removing the ACK
block should do the trick.
I do but that was not enough. Apparently the CXC was attempting to forward based on the
maddr value while SER was using to/from/via headers. Changing the CXC to ignore the maddr
header fixed the problem