I currently have several hundred prefixes which a user could dial to, now the way my system is setup is that various of these occur in various packages
eg PREF 011 - package A PREF 022 - package B
etc etc
Is there anyway of looking these up in a DB, and then allowing to a route, rather than putting the prefix in the ser.cfg file. I have all the prefixes added in the lcr table, and each group of prefixes is assigned to a package, and added in the grp table...with each subscriber, and flags set for each group in ser.cfg as in example for free-pstn etc etc
Now I need to check for each dial prefix, in ser.cfg so I can route, and thats alot of check statements, even if I can work out some using regex.
if uri=011 and flag=1 then call, # if uri =022 and flag =2 then call
flag 2 cant call 011, hence I need to have two separate checks...and for all the prefixes I need to have lots and lots...is there a neater/nicer way of doing this.