
kemi framework is implemented by Kamailio core (files src/core/kemi.{c,h}), there is no module to be packaged for it.

KEMI interpreter modules are app_jsdt, app_lua, app_python and app_squirrel (as of master branch and 5.1).


On 18.11.17 09:15, Karsten Horsmann wrote:
Hello Sergey, 

thank you for new RPMS. I try it hopefully next week. 

About the kemi stuff i am not sure if it is in the main Kamailio per configure. The module documents don't show an separate kemi module. 

Kind regards 

Am 16.11.2017 9:23 nachm. schrieb "Sergey Safarov" <s.safarov@gmail.com>:
I update RPM spec file during next hour you can download lua module

About kemi. Please point me where in source tree located this module.

чт, 16 нояб. 2017 г. в 19:39, Karsten Horsmann <khorsmann@gmail.com>:
Hi Daniel,

thanks for the link. 


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