---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ali Zaidi <aligzaidi@gmail.com>
Date: May 17, 2006 11:30 AM
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Detecting Lost IAD Registration
To: David <david@lolling.org>

You said this problem is not wide spread and SER is responding well to other UAs, so what i think problem is not with SER, it is UA who is acting weird.

On 5/17/06, David <david@lolling.org> wrote:
Thanks for the reply.

We deploy the proxy at the edge of our ICO's networks.
We are using RTP proxying to deal with the NAT issues
and that has been successful.

This particular company is running IP over their ATM which
we suspect may be the root of the problem but I am at the
very beginning stages of troubleshooting.  This is not a wide
spread problem with them and it is one we cannot reproduce
in our lab.

For now, I am trying to find a way to monitor the proxy at
the ICO to catch lost registrations so I can possible corelate
it with other system events on their network.

We have seen this problem with Grandstream and Mediatrix IAD's.

We do not have access to their network internals so we have to
look elsewhere.



--------- Original Message --------
From: Ali Zaidi <aligzaidi@gmail.com>
To: David < david@lolling.org>
Subject: Re: [Serusers] Detecting Lost IAD Registration
Date: 17/05/06 10:02

> David,
> &nbsp;
> It is hard to say, unless we know your implementation or layout of your IP
> Are you using SER with any NAT traversal solution such as RTPProxy or
> Is your UA are behind NAT?
> is anything change since you took charge or UA always loosing connections
and now you there&nbsp;to fix this existing problem?
> Personally i never see UA looses any registration once you&nbsp;configure
SER in proper way. Yes, i do have these problems with Asterisk once in a
> Is there any Firewall in midle of UA and SER?
> &nbsp;
> by the way what is IAD?
> &nbsp;
> Thanks Ali...
> &nbsp;
> &nbsp;
> On 5/17/06, David &lt;david@ lolling.org&gt; wrote:
> Hello,I am new to using and managing SER server.&nbsp;&nbsp;Mycompany has
a large scale implementation of SER
> and we have been having problems with end usersloosing registration on our
SER server and insome cases the IAD's will not re-register unlessyou reboot
the IAD.As I am very new to this and have been thrown in
> head first, I thought I would ask on this list.For trouble shooting
purposes, I was wondering ifthere is a way to automatically detect when an
IADlooses registration and then have it fire off anemail?
> Thanks,David_______________________________________________Serusers
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