Hey Aleksandar,
Many thanks for the heads up - very interesting to see how other people are doing this.
So if I understand you correctly, you have a dynamic list of dispatchers.
And then you invoke "dispatcher.reload" to reload all of the dispatchers you have defined dynamically?
What does the DISPATCHER_LIST route look like?
Cheers, Ben
On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 9:29 AM, Aleksandar Sosic alex.sosic@timenet.it wrote:
Hi Ben,
we're using something like this to do dispatcher.reload:
event_route[xhttp:request] { if ($hu =~ "^/rpc") { $var(command) = $(hu{s.select,2,/}); $var(parameter) = $(hu{s.select,3,/}); if($var(command) == "reload.dispatchers") { route(DISPATCHER_LIST); xhttp_reply("200", "OK", "text/html", "Dispatchers Set for RELOAD"); exit; } ... }
And then in the DISPATCHER_LIST route we do an API call for fetching the updated dispatcher list for that node. After the dispatcher list is updated we just run: jsonrpc_exec('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "dispatcher.reload", "id": "1"}');
So you can just put a `jsonrpc_exec` inside the event_route[xhttp:request].