

We are plotting the call success rate on each of our proxies.

Using the Kamailio snmpstats module, we try to obtain three counters to plot them on a graph:


    Total Calls

    Active Calls

    Error Calls


Most of the time, everything works well, and we obtain sensible values:

snmpwalk -c mycommunity -v 2c W.X.Y.Z -O n


    . = Gauge32: 309 -> Total Calls

    . = Gauge32: 95 -> Active Calls

    . = Gauge32: 214 -> Error calls


However, when our proxies are facing intense peaks of failed calls in a short time span, sometimes, the "Error Calls" counter returns a value higher than "Total Calls". As a result, "Active Calls" suddenly reaches a value close to the maximum of a Gauge32 (because T o t a l C a l l s − E r r o r C a l l s < 0 ).


snmpwalk -c mycommunity -v 2c W.X.Y.Z -O n


    . = Gauge32: 153 -> Total Calls

    . = Gauge32: 4294967226 -> Active Calls

    . = Gauge32: 223 -> Error calls


As a result, our graphs make no more sense.


We are currently running kamailio 5.6.4.


Any idea if it's a bug or a configuration issue?





Sans virus.www.avast.com