On (10.11.03 18:28), Alessio Focardi wrote:
Thats looks a lot like "lcr" with autofallback, user EVERY time
someone calls out from an Ip PBX or SIP server, great stuff.
That's it, exactly.
I checked and it looks like +878 is the
"international prefix" for IP
oops, i forgot to mention, my phone is reachable by dialing
+878102843366003 as well ;)
What is it for if you are using your usual phone
number ?
Maybe for "pure ip" services, no pstn at all ?
+878 could, for example, be an option for people who currently don't
have an ENUM trial active in their country... got it?
The downside of that is that +878 is currently not reachable from the
PSTN, so even if you had interconnect and that all, no PSTN user would
be able to reach you (or, to be more precise: only users of Telekom
Austria would be able to reach you).
But, you're right, those are _real_ phone numbers as like as every
other "common" country code.