Barry, I'm curious if you'll find a solution for this.
Currently I'm using SER with Asterisk and I am just straight proxying everything through to Asterisk. Registrations in this case work just fine, but the voice path seems to always include Asterisk with this setup :(
What happens when Asterisk sends an Unauthorized (4xx) response after one of your ATA's sends an INVITE and it gets proxied through to Asterisk? Maybe you could get OpenSER to trigger on this and then the next REGISTER it receives from the same ATA gets proxied on to Asterisk instead of being processed locally.
Just thinking out loud.
On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 05:34:24PM +0100, Barry Flanagan wrote:
I want to use openser as proxy/registrar with Asterisk. Users will exist both in openser's subscriber database and in asterisk's sip friends.
I have this kind of working, but have a few questions.
Currently openser authenticates users fine, and will route to * for pstn and asterisk will accept the call if I have openser set up in * sip.conf as a proxy.
I would rather, however, that the user gets authenticated as themselves on asterisk, rather than the call happening as the proxy user. without openser set up in asterisk, I get continual 407 Proxy Authentication required.
Additionally, it appears that the call is still routing through openser, rather than being directly between the client and asterisk.
- How can I set it up so that when a call gets sent to * that
authentication takes place directly between asterisk and the client
- How should I be sending the call from openser so that the rest of the
call is directly between asterisk and the client?
Any working configs would be welcome - these seem to be hard to come by.