I have the following logic.
route {
onreply_route[1] {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "Reply status %rs: Reason %rr\n");
failure_route[1] {
xlog("L_NOTICE", "Reply status %rs: Reason %rr\n");
if (status=="408") {
do something 1
} else if (status=="480") {
do something 2
} else if (status=="486") {
do something 3
When a reply with 4xx comes in, it first goes through onreply_route[1] and
get the result printed to syslog. The message is then passed to
failure_route[1]. But it seems that the status code and reason are gone. I
get a <null> for both values in the failure route. How should I change the
script to get that.
Zeus Ng