Hey Adrian,


I have been following this thread, as I had a similar problem last week.  I have tried all the things suggested here, but I am still experiencing them same error.  I have downloaded the latest mediaproxy.c and functions.c and recompiled mediaproxy, and have followed the ser.cfg as closely as I can... however, as soon as media_proxy is enabled, ser crashes out ungracefully.  Does anyone have any further ideas?  My ser.cfg is at (getting a bit long to keep posting now…)

Any help would be very very gratefully received at this point.


Many thanks,





-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces@iptel.org [mailto:serusers-bounces@lists.iptel.org] On Behalf Of Adrian Georgescu
Sent: 06 August 2004 12:33
To: Sean Lowry
Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org
Subject: [Serusers] mediaproxy + ser0.8.14 problem


Your config calls fix_contact twice, this is why is crashing. Until 

this is  fixed  please follow the guidelines in ser.cfg example from









here is my config any help at all work be great