Dear Greger,
Thank you very much for reply my message. Thank you.
I am sorry for this problem. I am sorry, maybe because this is my last project, I am too panic to finish it. I must finish it untill this month in order I can graduate from my college.No body in my college understand about this system. Please forgive me... But, If I can tell you ( I am sorry), in this forum I can get many informations. Although this forum for seruser, but many of the member of this forum ever tried to build openser. aren`t they? :) And in this forum, I have got the many reply message about my problem to finish my paper although most of them seruser. So, for my mistake, please forgive me..because I am alone in this final project. Please allow me to use this forum ...Please...
Please forgive..
Thank you :) and thank you very much for all the member of this forum.. Thank you..
"Greger V. Teigre" wrote: Ferianto. DO NOT CROSS-POST!!! If you ask a openser question, ask it on the openser list, not on the serusers list. The TLS implementations are very different and that is starting to hold for many other things as well. g-(
Ferianto siregar wrote: Dear all,
Thank you very much for time to read my problem. Thank you very much... All, I have built openser server and I can build it successfully. It means that the client can make call each other. The openser server that I build is support TLS (in openser.cfg, I enable the TLS support). But, I need help for testing my TLS in voip communication. I have type command : # openser -V , and I can see that the TLS is used.
But,How can I test the openser that supported TLS? because in my mind, for testing the TLS, I must have a software that supported TLS. So, if the client can communicate each other by using the software phone that supported TLS, it means that the TLS have run successfully (because TLS use port 5061 ). Is this opinion correct?
Or can anybody give a suggestion how to test my openser TLS? if I have to use software phone that supported TLS.Please tell me..Pelase..
Thank you very much for your help. Thank you
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