error with rtpproxy
i am run set and show its messages.
what is el problem and solution?
0(1940) 10(1979) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-1): nathelper
10(1979) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
10(1979) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
10(1979) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily
11(1980) DEBUG: init_mod_child (5): nathelper
11(1980) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
11(1980) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
11(1980) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily
13(1982) DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): acc
13(1982) DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): group
14(1988) DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): acc
14(1988) DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): group
DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): acc
0(1940) DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): group
12(1981) DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): uri
13(1982) DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): uri
15(1989) DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): uri
12(1981) 14(1988) 0(1940) 13(1982) DEBUG: init_mod_child (7): nathelper
13(1982) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
13(1982) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
13(1982) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily
DEBUG: init_mod_child (6): nathelper
12(1981) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
12(1981) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
12(1981) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily
DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): uri
DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): uri
14(1988) 15(1989) DEBUG: init_mod_child (8): nathelper
14(1988) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
14(1988) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
14(1988) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily
DEBUG: init_mod_child (-4): nathelper
15(1989) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
15(1989) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
15(1989) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily
0(1940) DEBUG: init_mod_child (0): nathelper
0(1940) ERROR: send_rtpp_command: can't read reply from a RTP proxy
0(1940) WARNING: rtpp_test: can't get version of the RTP proxy
0(1940) WARNING: rtpp_test: support for RTP proxyhas been disabled temporarily