If your providers supports Remote-Party-ID header, you can add that to the SIP body when the INVITE comes to SER. If you want to make change at Asterisk, try using 'SetCallerID' before dialing out.
--- scm-j@nuntius.com wrote:
Yes, it is level3.
I would prefer not to change the SER source as I would need to patch in the change every time I upgrade to a new version of SER. Besides, my other SIP vendors do not require it.
Would a B2BUA, such as Vovida be a good choice? Or, preferably, since I am already using Asterisk, and the INVITE is initiated by Asterisk (to SER to Level-3), is there a way to have Asterisk format the "From" in E.164 format ?
-----Original Message----- From: Greg Fausak [mailto:lgfausak@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 3:33 PM To: scm-j@nuntius.com Cc: serusers@lists.iptel.org Subject: Re: [Serusers] Modifying "From" header field of an INVITE message
Is it Level3?
The From: cannot be changed.
The identifier for the dialog is the From, To and CallID. None can be changed. Only the RURI (request URI) can be changed by SER.
Do you have the ability to go all the way to the source and change the initial request? That would be easiest. Other solutions would require a b2bua.
On Sat, 5 Feb 2005 11:58:05 -0800, scm-j@nuntius.com scm-j@nuntius.com wrote:
I am relatively new to SER. My SIP service provider requires me to
the ANI in the "From" field in my INVITE message header in E.164
format. I
am currently sending this information as follows:
From: "2125551212" sip:2125551212@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
They want it in E.164 format as follows:
From: "+12125551212" sip:+12125551212@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
I see function only to modify the SIP URI but not the other header or
Could someone help me with a code snippet that I can use in ser.cfg to
this conversion?
===== Girish Gopinath gr_sh2003@yahoo.com
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