I installed SER exactly following INSTALL guide. I am running on the same machine MySQL 4.0.20 and I successfuly initialised ser database. After running ser by "serctl start" I got message:
Starting SER : cat: /var/run/ser.pid: No such file or directory started pid () ~#
Of course ser is not running.
In syslog I can see messages:
ser: WARNING: could not rev. resolve /usr/sbin/ser[579]: connect_db(): Can't connect to local MySQL server \ through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) /usr/sbin/ser[579]: db_init(): Error while trying to connect database /usr/sbin/ser[579]: mod_init(): Error while connecting database /usr/sbin/ser[579]: init_mod(): Error while initializing module usrloc
The IP is address of PC where I'm running this SER and MySQL.
Any hint/idea?