I have the following statement:
if KSR.is_method("INVITE") then KSR.log("info", "method not allowed " .. KSR.kx.get_method() .."\n"); KSR.x.exit(); end
For some reason, it falls into this condition no matter which method I use, I tried OPTIONS, NOTIFY etc. log file: <core> [core/kemi.c:152]: sr_kemi_core_log(): method not allowed OPTIONS
the same with this check: if KSR.is_method_in("I") then KSR.log("info", "method not allowed " .. KSR.kx.get_method() .."\n"); KSR.x.exit(); end
this is the lua modparam settings: # ---- lua params ---- modparam("app_lua", "load", "/usr/local/etc/kamailio/main.lua") modparam("app_lua", "reload", 1) modparam("app_lua", "log_mode", 1) cfgengine "lua"
version: kamailio 5.7.0 (x86_64/linux) 1c23c2
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?