Hi all,
I'm trying to use the Redis database for authentication and later for accounting. I
installed Redis on the server, I compiled Kamailio with ndb_redis and the module exists.
When I try to start Kamailio I get following errors:
0(16737) ERROR: <core> [db.c:203]: db_bind_mod(): Module db_redis not found.
Missing loadmodule?
0(16737) ERROR: auth_db [auth_db_mod.c:175]: mod_init(): unable to bind to a database
0(16737) ERROR: <core> [core/sr_module.c:968]: init_mod(): Error while initializing
module auth_db (/usr/local/lib64/kamailio/modules/auth_db.so)
ERROR: error while initializing modules
Bellow are the relevant parts from config files.
Is there any example of kamailio.cfg with Redis configuration and commands for
authentication and accounting?
Please help me to use Kamailio with Redis.
Thank youRegardsMarko
#!define WITH_REDIS
#!define WITH_AUTH
#!ifdef WITH_REDIS
#!define DBURL "redis://localhost:6379/"
#!ifdef WITH_AUTH
loadmodule "auth.so"
loadmodule "auth_db.so"
#!ifdef WITH_REDIS
loadmodule "ndb_redis.so"
# ----- ndb_redis params -----
modparam("ndb_redis", "server",
# ----- auth_db params -----
#!ifdef WITH_AUTH
modparam("auth_db", "db_url", DBURL)
modparam("auth_db", "calculate_ha1", yes)
modparam("auth_db", "password_column", "password")
modparam("auth_db", "load_credentials", "")
modparam("auth_db", "use_domain", MULTIDOMAIN)
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