it's posible dispatching websocket request?

I am try to connect browser(WebRTC) to sip-phone and vice versa,How i can achieve more concurrent call(more then 1000 call)

On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 8:49 PM, Alex Balashov <> wrote:
That question is difficult to answer without some elaboration on your part as to what you want to achieve.

Alex Balashov | Principal | Evariste Systems LLC
303 Perimeter Center North, Suite 300
Atlanta, GA 30346
United States

Tel: +1-800-250-5920 (toll-free) / +1-678-954-0671 (direct)

Sent from my BlackBerry.
From: Murugan Pandian
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2015 09:47
Reply To: Kamailio (SER) - Users Mailing List
Subject: [SR-Users] SIP-over-Websocket Load Balancing


  how to handle sip-over-websocket load balancing (WebRTC)

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