try to use the openser documentation about the UAC module. In my minute provider authetication is done by IP, not by user password. And if your provider can't help you.. who can? They are the only ones that know exactly how authentication is being done. They must help you, otherwise they should loose you as a client.
Jose Simoes
p.s. I'm sure there are other carries that offer the GSM codec.
On 2/10/06, Andres <> wrote:

> Can someone please tell me how can I give uri for whom call has to be
> sent and
> username,password supplied by my minute provider. I have been trying
> from two
> days mailing this list and searching net but sadly I could not find the
> solution.
The only way you can probably do that is with the UAC module.  Don't
waste anymore time trying to do rewrites.  Authentication does not work
that way.  I can't tell you how to use the UAC module because I have
never tried it but there should be plently of info if you search the
mailing list.

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