Thank you very much!! Greger I have create a database for ser by create and use serctl to add two accounts I thought that i'll very close to setup successfully there is a strange problem remaining....... when i run ser by #ser -f auth-mysql.cfg 0(4222) WARRING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve []:5060 0(4222) WARRING: fix_socket_list: could not rev. resolve []:5060 Listening on udp: []:5060 tcp: []:5060 Aliases:
WARING: no fork mode stateless - initializing 0(0) Maxfwd module- initializing 0(0) new_connection(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) 0(0) db_init(): Could not create a connection 0(0) ERROR: uridb_db_ver: unable to open database connection 0(0) ERROR: uri_db:mod_init(): Error while quering table version 0(0) init_mod(): Error while initializing module uri_db ERROR: error while initializing modules
It seems that SER can't connect to mysql but i can use the command to ser database #mysql -u ser -pheslo mysql>connect ser Connectiong id: 27 Current database: ser
What should I do for this situation? Thanks again^^
2006/12/12, Greger V. Teigre
Copy the list. Well, " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" pretty much says it all, right? Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable must include your library dirs before starting ser (cumbersome) or you need to add /usr/lib/mysql to your /etc/ file (which btw should have been updated when installing mysql, I don't know why it didn't happen for you). g-)
Tako Chang wrote:
Thanks!! I ran make_and_install script But i still can't run 'auth-mysql.cfg' Error message : load_module: could not open module </usr/local/lib/ser/modules/>: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
but I have at "/usr/local/lib/mysql" What should I do??
Thanks for your help <(_ _)>
I mentioned that someone talked about the version of mysql So, i download the older version 4.1.22 2006/12/6, Greger V. Teigre <>:
Look at the make_and_install script in the scripts package (same place). It does this for you. mysql-devel must be installed. g-)
Tako Chang wrote:
Hi, all
First of all, I read [SER - Getting Started] and downloaded [ SER Source package]
after I make the package under debug mode, it runs well. Now, I can receive REGISTER requests and send 200 OK Responses and play a SIP proxy server
I want to test "auth_mysql.cfg" in Chapter 7.... so, i remove "exclude_modules?= jabber mysql" in Makefile but i still can't compile the
Is there some more detail documents or suggestions for me?
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