according to our last IRC meeting [1] we want to release a minor release for the 1.4 branch in the next days. We've did already over 40 changes in this branch, many of them for important bugs, so i propose the next thursday, the 11th december as the date for 1.4.3. So if you have any important backports or other fixes that should go into this release, please commit them until this day.
While already on the release topic, the code freeze period for the 1.5.0 release will be start in the mid of Januar, roughly in about 6 weeks from now. So if you like to contribute something that should be included in this release, please commit it to our repository or upload the patch to the tracker for review. Already finished features and the roadmap can be found as usual in our wiki at [2, 3].
If you like to give the new features a try, then you find prebuild packages for several debian releases here [4]. Please report any bugs you find to our developer list.
Best regards,
[1] http://www.kamailio.org/mos/view/News/NewsItem/IRC-Devel-Meeting-Summary---N... [2] http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/features:new-in-1.5.x [3] http://www.kamailio.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/roadmap:1.5.x [4] devel.kamailio.org