Hi list,
I hope you are all well?
I am currently loadtesting some services internally and I am getting an odd error around TCP connections from the same source IP below:
"/usr/sbin/kamailio[1806789]: CRITICAL: <core> [core/tcp_main.c:4459]: handle_new_connect(): hit the limit of connections per source IP (my_ip:39043) - rejecting"
Its from the core the error so I was looking at the cookbooks and documentation but cannot get around this specific limit or find a configuration to tweak that fixes it.
The limit only affects TCP (will affect TLS as well but I haven't got that far) and is 1024 it seems.
Kamailio version is: 5.7.6 OS: Ubuntu 22.04
Things I have done so far: I have set limitNOFILE=65535 in the service file Set the tcp/tls_max_connections at 8192 (default is 2048) Increase the tcp_rd_buf_size to 16k+
The service I am using to loadtest is SIPp with flags "-t tn" for TCP multisocket as this service will have much more than 1024 concurrent TCP connections to it from a single source IP.
I think I have missed something basic here as the devel and the source code references: "ksr_tcp_accept_iplimit" here at line 541: https://github.com/kamailio/kamailio/blob/master/src/main.c#L541
I cannot find a way to change this with a configuration line it seems, am I being blind or is my only option to build from source and change this?
Many Thanks,