Just checking to see if this is the designed behavior. The SL module will attempt to match ACKs for stateless replies and handle them (absorb them?).
The question I have is that it looks as though this ACK gets counted as dropped by the core.drop_requests from the KEX module. Tested using this config:
loadmodule "pv" loadmodule "sl" loadmodule "xlog" loadmodule "kex" loadmodule "corex" loadmodule "ctl"
modparam("sl", "bind_tm", 0)
route { xinfo("[$ci] $rm Request. Src:[$si:$sp] RURI:[$ru] To:[$tu] From:[$fu]\n"); sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found"); }
event_route[sl:filtered-ack] { xnotice("sl:filtered-ack ACK [$ci] to local reply absorbed\n"); }
Then validate by kamcmd stats.fetch core:drop_requests
Is this the designed and "correct" behavior?