Every time you call xlog, it uses the original message (and not the modification lumps) to retrieve info for the contact hf, every time you invoke it. (Not sure the functionality was kept in openser.)

On 9/13/06, kjcsb <kjcsb@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
I have the following config:

        if (client_nat_test("3")) {
                #IP address in contact is private IP
                #Via is different to address client has contacted us from
                #If so then setflag7 to indicate that sender is behind NAT
                xlog("client nat test 3 returned true for r-uri <$ru> in
route 3 so will setflag7");
                xlog("contact before update <$ct>");
                xlog("via before update <$hdr(via)>");
                #Rewrite Contact: header to contain Sip client's public
                xlog("contact is now <$ct>");
                xlog("via is now <$hdr(via)>");

However the value returned by $ct is the same before and after
fix_nated_contact(). Is that because I'm doing something wrong, or because
I've misunderstood fix_nated_contact or because the $ct variable doesn't get
updated by fix_nated_contact? If the latter, how can I find out the result
of fix_nated_contact? The same applies to force_rport and the via details.

Any advice appreciated.



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