I am trying to properly size the use of the Dialog Module hash for our implementation using:
modparam("dialog", "hash_size", <number that is power of two>)
However, in my testing, I have been unable to figure out the relationship between the hash size and a number of dialogs I need to support. I think the hash size is specifying a memory block in kB, but even setting the hash size to a very tiny number does stop me from creating hundreds of dialogs.
Is there a way to determine a relationship between the hash size and a rough number of dialogs that would be expected?
An example of a a dialog looks like this from kamctl:
[root@kamailio01 ~]# kamctl dialog show
dialog memory records
dialog:: hash=22:70
state:: 4
ref_count:: 2
timestart:: 1512151205
timeout:: 36083666
caller_contact:: sip:43f0ae1480846185e8803f21e9f2b721@;transport=udp
caller_cseq:: 24115
to_tag:: sip+1+bdcd0004+2038f37c
callee_contact:: sip:ca2013e84f10348a1cc825c12562bde7@;transport=udp
callee_cseq:: 0
Mark Blackford
Digium Cloud Services