I have a virtual environment setup and am trying to get the integration
of Kamailio and Asterisk to a least be able to make a phone call based off
the Asterisk Hello World example. I do the following:
1. I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 and Oracle Virtual Box
2. I Integrate Kamailio and Asterisk based off of the asipto kb:
with both of them running on the same VM.
3. I've modified sip.conf and extensions.conf to have entries that tie
together phones 101 and 102
3. I start asterisk with "asterisk" and "asterisk -rvvvvvv"
4. I install and setup the Zoiper Softphone as indicated in the tutorial.
5. In Zoiper I hardcode the Domain: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5080 and also enter
the username and password.
6. I'm doing all of this without access to an internet connection so that's
why I hardcode the IP address.
7. After setting of the Zoiper softphone I try to get it to communicate
with Asterisk, but I get a 408 request timeout.
Any ideas as to what might be wrong?