Rodrigo P. Telles wrote:
Hi Folks,
I'm using SER in a carrier grade mode and I need to create an interface (GUI) to our support team run SIP traces in our SER box. I think I have an idea to solve that problem but I don't know if it's the best one, follow the idea:
SERVER (SER) 1 - Run an application in daemon mode using libpcap to capture traffic on port 5060
- listening on a TCP port
- capture traffic all the time
- push all captured traffic to that TCP port (any one who connect/telnet on
that port can see the traffic - without authentication by now)
This is sort of what we did for basic troubleshooting. The difference is that we provide a web interface with three links, 10 second, 30 second and 60 second capture. The duration of the capture is then passed to a cgi script that runs ethereal and displays the results on the web page. You could probably improve upon this by adding address filtering options to the web interface.
CLIENT (GUI) 2 - Developed using JAVA || PHP-GTK || C++ || ....
- Connect to remote port to listen the traffic
- Can filter what do you want to see (show only filtered traffic or all)
- Colorized matches
- Can save the result of your dump/filter to a file
- etc
The web interface I described allows us to avoid writing anything other than some php and perl but a java interface would do too.
So I did a concept proof...
1 - Wrote a simple server program using Perl who run ngrep in SER box and push the captured traffic through it's listening TCP port; 2 - Wrote a simple client program using Perl who connect to a remote port and filter what you want to see or all the traffic;
..and works like
I'd probably do away with the client just because I don't like distributing software to clients but that's me :-)
a charm :-)
I'd like to hear opnions from SER members about the idea.
Best regards,
============================================ Rodrigo P. Telles IT Manager Devel-IT - IVOZ # 1029 +55 14 3324-1200 Bestcom Group ============================================ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -
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