
you should enforce specific routing only for initial INVITE. Along with that do record_route() and for requests within dialog use loose_route() + t_relay() in order to keep the same path of singaling for same dialog.

If you look at the default kamailio.cfg, it uses the record routing mechanism, which is the standard for routing requests within dialog.


On 11/02/16 10:19, alexandre.anconetti@orange.com wrote:


I would like some advice about a situation i have encountered  recently. I’m using Kamailio 4.3.4 as a “proxy” : I have a media server, and to reach this server all the requests have to pass through my Kamailio server. The Kamailio server does not have to handle authentification or registration, all of that stuff is done on the media server. To do that I’m using the following route :


route[REDIRECT] {

                if($rU == "" ) {

                        $ru = ("sip:");


                else {

                        $ru = ("sip:" + $rU + "@");


} is my media server’s address. I have 2 users : an “internal” one registered on the media server, and an “external” one which is a random caller. It works fine for EXT -> Kamailio -> Media server requests but when I try to hang up with my internal user, the “BYE” request uses the following path : Internal user -> Media server -> Kamailio -> Media server instead of : Internal user -> Media server -> Kamailio -> External user. Obviously it is because of the REDIRECT route which send back the “BYE” request to the media server, when it should sends that request to the external user.

So, how should I modify that route to do what I want ? Maybe should I create a second route ? Any answer will be appreciated J

Best regards,



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