On Wednesday 25 May 2011, Bret McDanel wrote:
In 3.1.1 this worked just fine. In 3.1.3 it is giving
me an error. I
am unsure what to check at this point for why it would be failing. I am
doing a kamailio -c to validate the config and not actually launching
the program but I do not think that should cause this.
modparam("app_lua", "register", "sqlops")
sqlops.so is loaded.
if I remove that modparam line the config validates, however the lua
script would fail because it uses sqlops.
modules.lst is the same for building.
While I do not think that it is lua specific, both are using
liblua5.1.0, one is Ubuntu 11.04 natty (where it fails) and the other is
Debian wheezy (where its working).
Hi Bret,
this is a really strange behaviour. You probably already checked this, but the
two server configurations on the respective machines are otherwise identically
as well? Do you register also other modules (like sr, auth..) to lua, does
they fail with the same error as well?
0(18226) WARNING: <core>
[sr_module.c:578]: /usr/local/kamailio/lib64/kamailio/modules/app_lua.so:
exports dlflags interface is deprecated and it will notbe supported in
newer versions; consider using mod_register() instead
0(18226) : <core> [cfg.y:3412]: parse error in config file kamailio.cfg,
line 262, column 41: Can't set module parameter
As a side note the "notbe supported ..." line is missing a space between
not and be and a newline at the end.
Thanks, i've fixed this in master and 3.1 branch.