We have setup Kamailio SIP Server v4.1.7 at latest our Rackspace server (ubuntu 14.10)
Chat works fine on all cases and calls are working for Local network only( I think its when it doesn't uses rtpproxy). Over Internet( on real ips rather than local one), we are able to make calls(audio/video) and we can see that Our packets are being transmitted properly to the server, but we are unable to get those packets to client side back from the server.
So, Client-to-Server : works
but, Server-to-Client : it doesn't works
FYI, We have confirmed that firewalll is inactive on our server and required ports are open. We have tried with and without tls (self signed certificates only). The SIP client we used to test the environment is JITSI.
We are getting following error :
Apr 10 10:46:39 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25670]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1756]: select_rtpp_node(): script error -no valid set selected Apr 10 10:46:39 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25670]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:2636]: force_rtp_proxy(): no available proxies Apr 10 10:46:44 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25641]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1756]: select_rtpp_node(): script error -no valid set selected Apr 10 10:46:44 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25641]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:2636]: force_rtp_proxy(): no available proxies Apr 10 10:46:44 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25641]: NOTICE: acc [acc.c:315]: acc_log_request(): ACC: transaction answered: timestamp=1428662804;method=INVITE;from_tag=978a791a;to_tag=3458055147;call_id=6c08683633dd586d0e634f5e2bbfa99c@0 :0:0:0:0:0:0:0;code=200;reason=OK;src_user=user1;src_domain= mobileappplatform.com ;src_ip=;dst_ouser=user4;dst_user=user4;dst_domain= Apr 10 10:46:44 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25643]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1756]: select_rtpp_node(): script error -no valid set selected Apr 10 10:46:44 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25643]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:2636]: force_rtp_proxy(): no available proxies Apr 10 10:46:48 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25670]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1756]: select_rtpp_node(): script error -no valid set selected Apr 10 10:46:48 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25670]: ERROR: rtpproxy [rtpproxy.c:1960]: unforce_rtp_proxy(): no available proxies Apr 10 10:46:49 telezang-app /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[25644]: NOTICE: acc [acc.c:315]: acc_log_request(): ACC: transaction answered: timestamp=1428662809;method=BYE;from_tag=978a791a;to_tag=3458055147;call_id=6c08683633dd586d0e634f5e2bbfa99c@0 :0:0:0:0:0:0:0;code=200;reason=OK;src_user=user1;src_domain= mobileappplatform.com ;src_ip=;dst_ouser=user4;dst_user=user4;dst_domain=
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