so far I have no reaction on my question. Has anybody similar experience that t_cancel_callid() doesn't insert Reason header, if called from branch 0?
What are differences between branch 0 and other branches?
Regards. Pavel.
On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 3:17 PM Pavel Veselovsky pavel.veselovsky@gmail.com wrote:
Hallo all,
I defined branch_failure routing block via t_on_branch_failure() In the branch_failure route, in case of "408 Request timeout" I am sending CANCEL with reason "t_cancel_callid("$ci", "$cs", "22", "408")".
If the t_cancel_callid("$ci", "$cs", "22", "408") is called in branch_failure for branch idx 0, the CANCEL is sent, but Reason header is missing there. Why? (I expect that t_cancel_callid() should insert Reason header regardless of branch it is called from)
If the t_cancel_callid is called in branch idx !=0, the CANCEL contains Reason header with cause as expected.
Thanks for clarification of this behavior, Pavel.
P.S. code snipset: event_route[tm:branch-failure:primary] { if ($T(reply_code) == "408") { if ($avp(branch_idx) == $T_branch_idx) { if (t_cancel_callid("$ci", "$cs", "22", "408")) { xlog("L_INFO", "CANCEL sent ci:$ci, cs:$cs 408"); } else { xlog("L_INFO", "CANCEL not sent ... ci:$ci, cs:$cs 408"); }
$var(_palotmp_) = "sip:" + $avp(replaced_cfnry_target_number)
"@" + $dd + ":" + $dp + ";user=phone"; append_branch($var(_palotmp_),"1.0");
t_relay(); return; }