I am running Kamailio 3.2.x, I am using udp mi to send a t_uac_dlg command,
:t_uac_dlg: NOTIFY sip:phone1@proxy.lan . . "From:sip:daemon@proxy.lan To:sip:phone1@proxy.lan Contact:sip:daemon@proxy.lan" #
I would like to know if I can change the timeout for this request.
Running a packet sniffer on the proxy, I see the packet is retransmitted after 500ms, then 1000ms, then 2000ms, etc... This is the proper behaviour for SIP, so we can see my tm module is working well.
My problem is that I want a response within 3 seconds ( I know this doesn't respect the normal SIP timer values ). I do not want to change the timers in the tm module for the entire proxy, so my question is if there is a way to set the timeout for the dialog created by the t_uac_dlg command, and can I set it on a per dialog basis ?