On 3/26/13 1:51 PM, Charles Chance wrote:
Hi all,
I was wondering, how are others sharing dialog module (particularly
profile) state between multiple servers?
if it is just about counting the active dialog calls per user/ip/etc ...
so far I am mainly using htable, with notifications from each node to
the other using uac_req_send() (see next for ways for when to send
notifications). I index by key (userid,ip/etc) plus the call id, then I
use $shtcn(...) to get the number of items for an user/ip/etc...
An alternative is to use a database table and replicate its content.
This comes in addition to the dialog table, using the event_routes
exported by the dialog module to update records:
dmq module is supposed to offer the framework for inter-kamailio
communication, iirc, the developer added support for distributing htable
keys. But then he changed job and didn't work further on this part, it
is in my list to get it going again before next major release.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla -
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda -
Kamailio World Conference, April 16-17, 2013, Berlin
http://conference.kamailio.com -