I'm trying to implement failover using the load_contacts/next_contacts from the lcr module.  The problem I have is the INVITE message is sent simultaneously to both contact's instead of trying the first and then the second.  I keep getting 'load_contacts(): DEBUG: Nothing to do - all same q!' when I've set them up with separate q values??

Anyone else have issues with this?  Did I set up the data incorrectly or possibly something in the config?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

 0(20640) rewrite_uri: Rewriting Request-URI with ' sip:3125551234@xx.xx.xx.144:5060'
 0(20640) xl_get_spec_value: error - null sp->itf
 0(20640)  Lookup done
 0(20640) load_contacts(): DEBUG: Nothing to do - all same q!
 0(20640)   Contacts loaded < sip:3125551234@xx.xx.xx.144:5060>
 0(20640) next_contacts(): DEBUG: No AVPs -- we are done!
 0(20640)   Next Contacts loaded <sip:3125551234@xx.xx.xx.144:5060>

config snip:
                if(!lookup("location")) {
                        sl_send_reply("404", "Not Found");
                        xlog("L_ERROR","Unkonwn location sending 404\n");
                } else {
                        xlog("L_INFO"," Lookup done \n");
                        sl_send_reply("500", "Server Internal Error - Cannot load translations");
                        xlog("L_ERROR","  Unable to load contacts <$ru> \n");
                } else {
                        xlog("L_INFO","  Contacts loaded <$ru>\n");
                if(next_contacts()) {
                        xlog("L_INFO","  Next Contacts loaded <$ru>\n");
                } else {
                        xlog("L_ERROR","  Unable to load next_contacts <$ru> \n");

mysql location table:
| username   | domain | contact                             | received | path | expires             | q    | callid          | cseq | last_modified       | flags | user_agent | socket | methods |
| 3125551234 |        | sip:3125551234@xx.xx.xx.180:5060 | NULL     | NULL | 2020-05-28 21:32:15 | 0.40 | Default-Call-ID |   42 | 2007-07-29 11:35:02 |   128 |            | NULL   |    NULL |
| 3125551234 |        | sip:3125551234@xx.xx.xx.144:5060 | NULL     | NULL | 2020-05-28 21:32:15 | 0.30 | Default-Call-ID |   42 | 2007-08-17 09:36:00 |   128 |            | NULL   |    NULL |