Hi Jamey!
Im interested in the presence agent module, especially in including geographical user information into the presence data.
What is the body type of the publication/notifications? Is it XML based presence like used by Windows Messenger and Kphone? Is this format defined somewhere? Is this the same as this old draft? http://www.iptel.org/info/players/ietf/presence/outdated/draft-rosenberg -impp-pidf-00.txt
The presentity table includes x and y colums? Are these to represent the geographical location of the publisher?
regards, Klaus
-----Original Message----- From: Jamey Hicks [mailto:jamey.hicks@hp.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 7:24 PM To: Kevin Chu Cc: SER Users Subject: [Serusers] Re: problem for using the latest pa module
Kevin Chu wrote:
Hi Jamey,
I am interested for testing the new extensions of the pa
module from the
latest unstable release. However, I got problem for configuring pa module.
I will check in a fix to prevent this segv.
However, I don't know how to create the db for pa, I still
can not get it
running correctly.
I will add a pa.sql script for creating the tables.
It will be appreciated if you can provide me some
instructions or examples
for creating the db as well as setting the new parameters
watcherinfo_table) and using the new commands.
The db_url is the same form as that of the usrloc db, e.g., mysql.
Here are the pa params I'm using now: # -- pa params -- modparam("pa", "use_db", 1) modparam("pa", "db_url", "mysql://ser:heslo@localhost/ser")
There is currently a problem that pa does not pick up basic presence from ser itself, because it needs that info on a per contact basis, which means some changes to usrloc. I attempted that, but did not get it working. Right now pa is depending on the UA or presence UA PUBLISH'ing that info using application/cpim-pidf+xml format.
Here are routing rules for PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE: if (method=="PUBLISH") { if (!t_newtran()) { log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); }; handle_publish("registrar"); log(1,"handled publish\n"); break; };
if (method=="SUBSCRIBE") { if (!t_newtran()) { log(1, "newtran error\n"); sl_reply_error(); }; log(1, "handling subscription\n"); handle_subscription("registrar"); log(1,"handled subscribe\n"); break; };
Another problem is that Windows Messenger does not like the notifies that pa is sending. If anyone has any ideas what is wrong I would like to know about it.
I'm deploying this version of the PA at the Internet2 Joint Techs Meeting in Hawaii next week as part of an Internet2 Presence Integrated Communication working group demo.
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