Klaus Darilion writes:
Is it possible to use modules_s/auth as a replacement for modules_k/auth? Are they compatible from user point of view?
if i remember correctly, at least this is missing from s version:
1.4.3. auth_extra (string)
Semi-colon separated list of extra RADIUS attribute name=pseudo variable pairs. When radius_www_authorize() or radius_proxy_authorize() function is called, listed extra attributes are included in RADIUS request with current values of corresponding pseudo variables.
There is no default value, i.e., by default no extra attributes are included.
Example 1.4. auth_extra parameter usage modparam("auth_radius", "auth_extra", "Acct-Session-Id=$ci")
there may be also something else. i could compare if i can find s version of auth_radius somewhere. any pointers?
-- juha